Wednesday, December 18, 2019

what is health - 1228 Words

Introduction Health is important to each and every one of us. Everyone needs to be healthy and not only physically but also mentally and psychologically. The health of any given individuals will determine how he or she functions. The purpose of this writing is to inform people on the importance of their health. As it is usually said, â€Å"health is wealth, â€Å"so each and everyone has the right and responsibility to a healthy life style. However, to have a healthy life and remain will be almost impossible without healthcare, which may be provided by but not limited to hospitals, institutions, nurses, doctors, dentists, government agencies, and voluntary agencies. According to (craven Hirnle 2009), health care in the united†¦show more content†¦The government is already spending much on health care and it almost impossible for it to spend money on illegal immigrants. Catlin et al (2008), discuss the impact of health care on the US government. They mention that 2.1 trill ion (16%) of Gross income was spent on healthcare in 2008 while Dobbs (2008) backs this up by using New Jersey as an example of how much healthcare is costing the US.(cited in baiden,p.1-6) BODY â€Å"The states of health or diseases are expressions of the success or failure experienced by the organism in its efforts to respond adaptively to environmental challenges.†Rene Dubos† The health status of a nation would determine how the nation functions, and the activities of the nation would determine its level of health. People are faced with every-day activities that either mar or make their health. If people are unhealthy, they might not be able to carry out their daily activities. Health is not only based on the absence of diseases but also psychological and mental aspects (Craven Hirnle, p.1415). A nation cannot be completely health but then it should not be characterized by high levels of disease. For example, depression is something of the mind. It is not a disease like malaria, but then it greatly affects the health of individuals who is depressed. If the individual is depressed, he cannot function normally. His sleep and wakeShow MoreRelatedWhat Are Good Health?781 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Impacts â€Å"good health?† Well, there are numerous factors that influence good health. People have a one-of-a-kind desire and capacity related to the existing level in their lives. One of the greatest differences in the United States is that some locations are healthy, and others are not. There is very little discussion about these disparities by policy makers or the public at large. Health care professionals must tackle these problems and barriers that make health care provision a fortifyingRead MoreWhat Is Psychological Health? Essay1165 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is psychological health? When I think of psychological health I think of personal mental health. Mental health is defined as â€Å"Emotional, psychological, and social well-being. 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