Thursday, May 14, 2020

Taking The Heat For Global Warming - 2003 Words

Taking the Heat for Global Warming Sarah Bond Mr. Stucky English III 30 March 2017 Sarah Bond Mr. Stucky English III 30 March 2017 Taking the Heat for Global Warming As the earth’s atmosphere is gaining more and more energy, a few big problems are presenting themselves: major ice melt, forest fires, heatwaves, and air pollution. All of these are effects from one major cause, global warming. A common debate is whether global warming is manmade or a natural occurrence. Whatever the conclusion, humans certainly contribute to the mess. The human race must decrease dependency on fossil fuels in order to slow down or reverse global warming. The idea of global warming first came about when French physicist Joseph†¦show more content†¦Land, forests, and water around the globe are being affected by global warming. In the Amazon Rain Forest in 2005 and 2010, the major river systems have suffered droughts for several meters at a time (63). With only a couple of boundaries being thrown off present day, many more could fall apart within years. A one degree fahrenheit average rise in global temperature could turn farmlands into deserts in Kansas (Bowman 14:43). With only a 1.6 degree celsius increase, Greenland could lose its entire ice sheet (Singh, Singh 57). A two degree fahrenheit increase could mean another dust bowl multiplied by 20 (Bowman 15:40). Even just six degrees colder on a worldwide average could mean an ice age (8:46). Global warming is not a huge problem now, but it will be in the near future if we do not do anything about it (0:26). A few degrees here and there on average makes a big difference. One of the main factors that contributes to global warming is methane leaks (McKibben). Methane traps heat more effectively than carbon dioxide. It also escapes if it is not used right away, and America is largely leaking methane. Since 2002, United States methane emissions have risen 30%. Ranches and wetlands are boosting methane emissions. There is not very much the world can do about methane, but it is a major contributor to global warming. The largest health risk in the environment in the world is air pollution (Adams 963). Air pollution has been proven to lead to lung cancer as wellShow MoreRelatedGlobal Warming: Fiction or Truth? Essay example1369 Words   |  6 PagesTrue or false; global warming is a catastrophic event that is occurring by natural and human means that is causing global temperature to rise and that can lead to many disasters? This has been an issue that hundreds and maybe thousands of scientists and citizens have debated about back and forth. The thought of global warming existing is a strong claim that many and most people have been backing up. 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