Sunday, November 3, 2019

Criminology in the Future Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminology in the Future - Term Paper Example The methods have included research on biological and chemical measures that can deter terrorism activities. The methods have advocated for international cooperation in identifying and combating terrorism. The government exercises authority over the citizens through enactment of laws and enforcement (Ball, 2004). The crime fighting methods have changed the social policy from national and international perspectives. The law enforcement agencies and intelligence departments in the U.S assert that international cooperation is the most effective technique of fighting transnational crimes (Ball, 2004). Just six weeks after the September terrorist attacks on Twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York, the Bush administration moved with speed to enact the Patriots Act. Basically, the Patriot Act is an acronym for (Uniting and strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism Act of 2001). The Purpose of the Act was to detect and punish terrorists in America and around the world, enhance the crime investigative mechanisms and enforce the Act in preventing future crimes (Ball, 2004). This crime fighting technique altered the social policy form national and international perspective since it allowed for detecting and prosecution of international money laundering activities that aim at financing terrorism activities (Vacca, 2009). The Act also allowed the U.S to scrutinize foreign countries and financial institutions and international monetary transactions that are susceptible to financing criminal activities. The Act also compelled all financial institutions within the country to report any instances of potential money laundering (Ball, 2004). The Act also prevented use of the U.S financial institutions by corrupt foreigners in facilitating repatriation of illegally acquired assets to

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