Wednesday, November 27, 2019

science in the movies essays

science in the movies essays What would you think if a movie showed a human being being totally perfect and not making any mistakes throughout his/her lifetime? You probably wouldnt be satisfied with that image because you know that every body makes mistakes and no one is perfect. I have watched two movies, Armageddon and Deep Impact, and done some research on the way the producers made the disasters out to be and how they would actually happen in reality. Hollywood doesnt always explore all of the physics and reality behind some of the happenings in their movies before putting them on the big screen. This can lead to customer dissatisfaction and essay papers like this one. The affect of the asteroid in Armageddon was not necessarily true. The producers made it seem like after the asteroid hit, a lot of little ones followed after it. If an asteroid were to really hit the earth, the little ones would come before the big asteroid hit. Since little things can travel at a greater speed, they would hit the earth first with the big asteroid preceding after that. From watching this move and not knowing much about how asteroids work, this scene would be very believable. On the other hand, the affect of the asteroid shown in Deep Impact was not very believable. In the final scene of Deep Impact, they show a bedraggled but salvageable capitol building. In DC the capitol is very close to the ocean. With the rate of the tsunami, DC would have been scoured clean off the face of the earth. I think this was a feel-good ending added onto the end of the movie to give it a good outcome. In the scene where the comet makes its ocean impact, it shows that thousands of people watch and listen as it happens. Truly, the comet would have been much brighter than it was shown; the people watching would have been blinded. The comet was also moving much faster than the speed of sound as well. Th ...

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