Friday, December 27, 2019

Immigration Case Study Essay - 1809 Words

Immigration Case Study The border between Mexico and the United States has witnessed millions of individuals crossing to and from each country. Migration involves the (more or less) permanent movement of individuals or groups across symbolic or political boundaries into new residential areas and communities (Marshall, 1998, p. 415). Some cross for travel experiences, some cross for quick visits to see relatives, and others are crossing the border to improve their quality of life. From a negative point of view, some pay an absurd amount of money to coyotes to smuggle themselves and family members across the border, and some cross to smuggle narcotics for the drug cartel. This case study ethnography focuses on how government issues†¦show more content†¦They owned a couple of cars and had a three bedroom home in a relatively upstanding neighborhood. She feels that in comparison to many other immigration stories, they were very fortunate to have been as successful as they were. She says that her famil y felt their share of discrimination, however, they were very lucky to have met some white Americans that helped them establish their landscaping business. She lost touch with her brothers, but maintained a relationship with her sister. They did not have to send remittances to Mexico because all of her family that she knew of was here in America. I heard similar stories at a day labor pick-up site in El Mirage, Arizona. My mother-in-law, who is Mexican, accompanied me to this site and stood in as my translator as we approached the laborers. We arrived at approximately five o?clock in the morning, and there were already a handful of men waiting for opportunities of work to arise. As the morning went on, more people arrived, and at the same time others left to various job sites. Most of the work seemed to have been for agriculture, construction and landscape work. Few of the men that my mother-law and I came in contact with did not speak very good English and were very shy about speaking of their personal history. A good number of these men were forced out of Mexico because of a lack of employment, left their families behind, and wereShow MoreRelatedcase study immigration4147 Words   |  17 Pages The End of the Culture War over Immigration A culture War has erupted in America. The country has become visibly divided over emotionally charged topics such as: abortion, gay marriage, gun-control, and healthcare. Many Americans have chosen sides in a polarized debate which pins conservative traditionalists against liberal progressives over the direction of America’s future. One topic which has not received as much attention as the rest, yet potentially has the largest impact on the common AmericanRead MoreIllegal Immigration Case Study1710 Words   |  7 Pageschildren. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

what is health - 1228 Words

Introduction Health is important to each and every one of us. Everyone needs to be healthy and not only physically but also mentally and psychologically. The health of any given individuals will determine how he or she functions. The purpose of this writing is to inform people on the importance of their health. As it is usually said, â€Å"health is wealth, â€Å"so each and everyone has the right and responsibility to a healthy life style. However, to have a healthy life and remain will be almost impossible without healthcare, which may be provided by but not limited to hospitals, institutions, nurses, doctors, dentists, government agencies, and voluntary agencies. According to (craven Hirnle 2009), health care in the united†¦show more content†¦The government is already spending much on health care and it almost impossible for it to spend money on illegal immigrants. Catlin et al (2008), discuss the impact of health care on the US government. They mention that 2.1 trill ion (16%) of Gross income was spent on healthcare in 2008 while Dobbs (2008) backs this up by using New Jersey as an example of how much healthcare is costing the US.(cited in baiden,p.1-6) BODY â€Å"The states of health or diseases are expressions of the success or failure experienced by the organism in its efforts to respond adaptively to environmental challenges.†Rene Dubos† The health status of a nation would determine how the nation functions, and the activities of the nation would determine its level of health. People are faced with every-day activities that either mar or make their health. If people are unhealthy, they might not be able to carry out their daily activities. Health is not only based on the absence of diseases but also psychological and mental aspects (Craven Hirnle, p.1415). A nation cannot be completely health but then it should not be characterized by high levels of disease. For example, depression is something of the mind. It is not a disease like malaria, but then it greatly affects the health of individuals who is depressed. If the individual is depressed, he cannot function normally. His sleep and wakeShow MoreRelatedWhat Are Good Health?781 Words   |  4 PagesWhat Impacts â€Å"good health?† Well, there are numerous factors that influence good health. People have a one-of-a-kind desire and capacity related to the existing level in their lives. One of the greatest differences in the United States is that some locations are healthy, and others are not. There is very little discussion about these disparities by policy makers or the public at large. Health care professionals must tackle these problems and barriers that make health care provision a fortifyingRead MoreWhat Is Psychological Health? Essay1165 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is psychological health? When I think of psychological health I think of personal mental health. Mental health is defined as â€Å"Emotional, psychological, and social well-being. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Impact of Mental Health at Workplace

Question: Discuss the impact of Mental Health at workplace. Answer: Introduction Health is a subject that has been given paramount importance in the recent in the research study. There have been different key movements to ensure proper health and well being for people all over the world. In this scenario the definition of health given by World Health Organisation becomes key as it says it views health in a broader sense which is Health is a state of complete physical and mental well being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Practically there are numerous situations when the definition of health is compromised which means it is not made properly applicable especially in workplace which creates a number of problems for employees and companies. It is important to mention that health at the workplace is very important subject as it will help to ensure that all the employees are in good state of health which will help them to deliver the best possible service to the organisation (Mclean, 2012). Over the years it has been seen that mental and physical health of employees have been compromised by different companies all across the world which has not only affected the mental and physical well being of the employees but has also affected the performance of the organisation severely which is a clear indication of the impact that ill health can create on employees and organisations. One of the recent cases that have emerged pertaining to this subject is the treatment of Fly in-Fly out employees and its impact on their mental health. The Argyle Diamond Mine in the East Kimberly Region of Western Australia has recently made decisions to employ local people in the mine due to the growing concern with the FIFO workers. The FIFO working practices of employees has been seen to affect the mental health of the employees directly and hence it becomes extremely important to comprehend issue of mental health on FIFO working practices (Torkington et al., 2011). Impact of mental Health at the workplace Mental Health is one of the key factors that have significant impact on the productivity of the employees. It is important to mention that most of the problems that employees face become tough for them to survive in the market. Having a proper and professional work environment is one of key aspects to have in order to develop the potential mental health of the employees. Having a stable mental health of the employees is important for the effective productivity of the company. In the recent past there have been different cases where employees have not been able to cope up with the growing pressure of the workplace. For instance if we see case of FIFO workers in Australia it will be clear. Argyle Diamond Site is one of the first in Australia to appoint FIFO workers but in the recent past there has been number of suicides of FIFO workers which clearly state that these workers were vulnerable to mental health issues and has clearly affected them which has led to the increase in number of suicides of FIFO workers. Mental Health definition given by WHO is placed as a mental state of an individual where he or she is able to realise their potential and can cope with the normal stresses of life and work productively and fruitfully to contribute for the development of welfare of the community (Joyce et al., 2013). Mental health at workplace is extremely important aspect for both employees and organisations. Mental Health at workplace could be defined as the process of keeping ones self mentally healthy and eliminating all kinds of mental disorders and keeping in a perfectly well balanced mental state and well being. Mental health at workplace will involve taking care of ones mental health at workplace, caring the surroundings of the workplace and also keeping in mind to keep the colleagues well being intact. Keeping effective mental health in the workplace is extremely important for a company as it will help the employees to contribute to the growth and success of the company. It is said that loving or hating work and the workplace causes a huge difference in the performance of the employees as well as their mental health. Statistics say that unhealthy workplace largely affects the mental health of the employees. Similarly the workers tend to have huge amount of stress in their life which affe cts their mental health. In the recent study about FIFO workers in Australia it has been seen that the age group of FIFO worker is mainly constricted within 25 to 45 (Sundstrom, 2012). There are several factors which constitute mental health at the workplace and which are given below: Psychological Support Organisational culture Leadership and expectation Recognition and Reward Leadership and responsibilities Engagement at the workplace Involvement and influence Different work practice has visibly taken a toll on the health of the employees. It is clear that most of the people working in different conditions do get affected due to the poor working environment that reflects on their mental health and productivity. People moving from one place to the other and work under contractual basis affects their work-life balance. It is very clear from the FIFO working practice that has affected the psychological support of the employees which stand to be the core mainstay of effective mental health of the employees (Carter Kaczmarek, 2009). It is important to mention that Psychological support in workplace setting like in mines is highly poor in terms of physical environment and worker relations. Psychological support from supervisors and employees are extremely important for an employee to be in effective mental state. The key aspect of psychological support provided to the employees is preventing them from stress at work (Carrington et al., 2012). The working practice of the employees has to be healthy. Key problems that arise are improper work schedules that pose high stress on the employees that affects the mental health of the employees. The regular and rigorous work schedule affects the mental health of the employees. They hardly get physical and mental respite due to their work schedule. For example a normal FIFO worker works constant for 8 to 10days work schedule creates a negative psychological impact on their mental health. The constant working practice creates fatigue for the employees who create absenteeism, lack of interest in work and loss of productivity for the organisation. Visible conflict among the employees is also a factor (Weeramanthri Jancey, 2013). The rigorous work practice of workers also affects the employees personally. They get detached with their families and staying away for long time affects their personal relationship with the close ones which send these employees to long term depression and make them vulnerable to end their lives through options like Suicide. Workplace culture in places like mines tend to go against the workers as they get subjected to bullying, tortures and other physical and mental atrocities which affect the their mental and physical health. This also creates significant difference and forces them to think in a negative manner. Often workplace culture results to the ineffectiveness of performance and declines the overall productivity of a company and this has happened in Argyle which has led them to think local in terms of employee recruitment (Taylor Simmonds, 2009). In the recent past there are examples of workers attempting suicide who cannot cope up with bullying and workplace tortures. Mental Health has huge significance for both the entities involved in business that is the employees and the organisations. It is extremely important to mention that the companies in the contemporary business environment has realised the importance of providing better working conditions to the employees after the recent incidents of suicide of the FIFO employees within the workplace. It could be said that it since the FIFO workers have constantly been deprived of their basic rights and rigorous work has impacted their mental health which has led to the death of so many FIFO employees in the recent past and has clearly affected the overall performance of the mines in Western Australia (Vojnovic et al., 2014). Analysing the case it could be said that mental health of the employees have a huge role to play in the gradual development of the employees as well as the organisation. Since employees have not been able to cope up with the immense pressure and have succumbed to it the companies became insistent in recruiting local people especially in cases of mines. For instance FIFO as a working practice is more prevalent in Western Australia as compared to any other part of the country and around 67000 employees are involved in this hence anything which could damage this system of work will directly affect around 67000 families which is huge in nature and hence it is important that mental health is taken as a key aspect in the practice of FIFO. It can be assumed that if any employee is not mentally sound he or she might not be able to understand the importance of the criticality of a particular issue and hence might not be able to contribute with the full potential which will largely hamper the productivity of a company which will affect the personal development of the employee. Hence it is important that the concept of mental health is promoted effectively at the workplace all over the world so that employees could be in better mental state that results to productivity (Meredith et al., 2014). Role of Human Resource Management in Workplace setting The role of human resource management is extremely in a workplace. Since the study mainly focuses on revealing the issues of mental health practices at the workplace it is important to mention that human resource management plays a key role in developing a favorable environment for work. This is responsible to interact with the employees and realise their problems so that it could be effectively mitigated. The key role of HRM is to focus on the effective communication between the upper management and the employees. This helps in lubricating the process of administration within an organisation and keeps a balance between the workforce and the upper level management. In the case of Mining operations and FIFO in an overall context the human resource management has failed to work effectively. The HRM is responsible to develop key ideas and plans which will help the company to effectively eliminate the grievances of the employees. Hence it could be clearly stated that the Human resource m anagement at the workplace should be more consistent in the workforce handling approach and try to provide a better working condition to them (Meredith et al., 2014). The HRM should come up with effective ideas and plans which would help employees to be in a better mental state. Conclusion and Recommendations It is very important for Human resource management teams of the different companies to come up with effective measures to enhance mental health and create positive impact of mental health within the operation. In order to develop effective mental health within the workplace it is important for the HRM to rethink certain aspects which are given below: Rosters: The work schedule of the workers should be revised for workers giving weekly breaks after short term work schedules for 6 to 8days. This will keep them balanced handling their personal and professional relationships. This will be very effective for the companies taking up FIFO work practice. Psychological Support: It is a very important aspect for the employees. Appraising for good work and training and retraining for the people who lack skill is very important. Support from supervisors and employees all along are extremely important and should be made mandatory (Carrington et al., 2012). Work Culture: Effective work culture and equality in all respect will be a great movement to reduce mental stress and frustration. Also having balanced environment and brotherhood within the workplace is likely to develop the mental health and encourage employees to work effectively. Communication: Communication can bring out pain and grief and hence it is important to communicate with people whoever seems to be down will help to understand their problems and help to mitigate them. Added perks: Added perks like extra holidays, paid home travels and organising family tours will help to keep a balanced mindset for the FIFO workers which will keep in a positive frame of mind and better mental state (Taylor Simmonds, 2009). Overall it could be said that having these above recommendations implemented in this context will help to develop the scenario. References Mclean, K. N. (2012). Mental health and well being in resident mine workers: Out of the fly in fly out box.Australian Journal of Rural Health,20(3), 126-130. Torkington, A. M., Larkins, S., Gupta, T. S. (2011). The psychosocial impacts of fly in fly out and drive in drive out mining on mining employees: A qualitative study.Australian Journal of Rural Health,19(3), 135-141. Joyce, S. J., Tomlin, S. M., Somerford, P. J., Weeramanthri, T. S. (2013). Health behaviours and outcomes associated with fly in fly out and shift workers in Western Australia.Internal medicine journal,43(4), 440-444. Sundstrom, K. (2012). Mental health issues for FIFO workers.Sunsine Coast Daily. Retrieved from https://www. sunshinecoastdaily. com. au/news/professor-warns-of-increase-in-mental-health-issue/1439435. Carter, T., Kaczmarek, E. (2009). An exploration of generation Ys experiences of offshore fly-in/fly-out employment.The Australian Community Psychologist,21(2), 52-66. Carrington, K., Hogg, R., McIntosh, A., Scott, J. (2012). Crime talk, FIFO workers and cultural conflict on the mining boom frontier.Australian Humanities Review,53, 1-14. Weeramanthri, T., Jancey, J. (2013). Fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) work in Australia: the need for research and a health promotion framework. Taylor, J., Simmonds, J. (2009). Family stress and coping in the fly-in fly-out workforce.The Australian Community Psychologist,21(2), 23-36. Vojnovic, P., Michelson, G., Jackson, D., Bahn, S. (2014). Adjustment, well-being and help-seeking among Australian FIFO mining employees.Australian Bulletin of Labour,40(2), 242. Meredith, V., Rush, P., Robinson, E. (2014).Fly-in fly-out workforce practices in Australia: the effects on children and family relationships. Australian Institute of Family Studies.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Pursuit of Perfection Essay Example

The Pursuit of Perfection Essay The Pursuit of Perfection: the Reintroduction of Ancient Roman Principles to Architecture by Renaissance Architects Leon Battista Alberti and Fillipo Brunelleschi Dustan Byler Professor Rachel Mundie Art History II October 31, 2011 Fillipo Brunelleschi and Leon Battista Alberti were two of the most important and famous 15th century architects in Italy. The facade of the Basilica San’Andrea (Figure 1) by Alberti and the Florence Cathedral Dome (Figure 2) by Brunelleschi are their respective crowning achievements. A sense of mathematical proportion; drawn from researching ancient Greek and Roman buildings and ruins1, contrasts their work with the current but fading Gothic style of architecture that was in mode at the turn of the century. The amount of influence on Renaissance architecture the two architects wielded is quite impressive. Brunelleschi was a pioneer in many aspects; and Alberti, his apprentice, followed in his footsteps. Both of them were well aware of the timelessness of Roman architectural principles and used them to great effect while also improving them. Both of the architects also studied painting and it showed in their work. Brunelleschi was one of the first artists to paint in vanishing linear perspective. This style of painting makes a two dimensional image appear to be three dimensional. 2 His paintings inspired many of his contemporaries, including Lorenzo Ghiberti, and Alberti. None of his paintings or perspective drawings survives today. Alberti was a very well rounded individual. He wrote books on architecture and painting and studied sculpture. We will write a custom essay sample on The Pursuit of Perfection specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Pursuit of Perfection specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Pursuit of Perfection specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer De re aedificatoria, his treatise on architecture, was the eminent reference book for architects for many years. His careful study of these arts, his knowledge of the ancient Roman principles of architecture and the tutelage of Brunelleschi gave him the knowledge to put it all together and add his own touch to Basilica San’Andrea (Figure 1). The interior of Basilica San’Andrea (Figure 3), while very impressive architecturally, effects a different reaction than the dizzying heights and ornate decorations of a gothic structure. The design is supremely balanced; using proportions identical to ancient Etruscan temples. 3 The simple proportions of the repetitious squares simplify the interior without detracting from it, allowing the arches and other shapes to shine through. When Brunelleschi was first approached to build the Florence Cathedral Dome (Figure 2), he had to compete with several other architects. His design that he proposed was inspired by the Roman use of concrete in the dome of the Pantheon (Figure 4). No one thought it could be replicated and the task of building a self-supporting dome of such a span was thought impossible. Because the town council of Florence had expressly forbid the use of buttresses he had to come up with a solution that was completely new. He opted to use a style of bricklaying called opus spicatum (Figure 5), a pattern used by the Romans in antiquity. The design allowed forces to be distributed horizontally, a trait bad for building walls but perfect for his application. The dome had a double shell of masonry to support the enormous structural weight necessary to cover the span. The eight ribs on the exterior of the dome solved the problem of not being able to use buttresses. The revolutionary concept had never been conceived before and was viewed with suspicion until the very last brick was laid. It is still the largest masonry dome in existence. The facade of the Basilica San’Andrea (Figure 1) is a prime example of the development of the principles pioneered by Brunelleschi. The facade uses several elements of classic roman style not seen since antiquity. â€Å"S. Andrea marks a decisive turn from the ‘vernacular’ to the ‘Latin’. This does not mean that Alberti merely imitated some classical model, but that he reinterpreted the classical past in light of contemporary needs. 4 The facade is a direct reinterpretation of either the ancient Roman Arch of Titus (Figure 6) or the Arch of Trajan (Figure 7). In addition three distinctive elements Alberti uses in his neoclassical facade: a pediment, columns of the colossal order, and an additional arch. The pediment is a revision the pediment of the Pantheon (Figure 4). The colossal order was a blending of the Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian orders of Roman columns on a grandiose scale. The additional arch is on top of the facade and recessed and neatly solves the problem of the transition from the high vaulted ceiling inside the hurch. In addition, the interior ceiling of the interior is painted to look like it is coffered like the ceiling of the main arch. There is a close relationship between the interior and exterior of the building, which results in the interior being seen as an extension of the triumphal arch motif. 5 None of this architecture would have been possible without the inspiration of the ancient Romans. The Florence Cathedral Dome (Figure 2), never would have happened if Brunelleschi had not been able to use knowledge he acquired while studying the geometry of the Pantheon. The design of the Basilica San’Andrea (Figure 1) is also inherently dependent on ancient Roman principles. The ability of these men to look to the past for inspiration and utilize it advanced their field considerably and both of them left a very distinct stamp on history. Bibliography Millon Henry A. , Lampugnami, Vittorio Magnago, The Renaissance from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo, Milan: RCS Libri amp; Grandi Opere S. p. A, 1994 Filippo Brunelleschi. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition, 2011 Hartoonian, Gevork, â€Å"The limelight of the House-Machine†, Journal of Architecture 6. , 2001 Borsi, Franco, Leon Battista Alberti, N. Y. , Harper amp; Row, 1977 Eck, Caroline Van,Enduring principles of architecture in Albertis On the Art of Building: how did Alberti set out to formulate them?.   Journal of Architecture  4, no. 2 (Summer 1999 1999): 119-127 1. Leon Battista Alberti, Basilica Sant’ Andrea, 1462, Mantua, Italy 2. Fillipo Brunelleschi, Florence Cathedral Dome, 1436, Florence, Italy 3. Leon Battista Alberti, Basilica Sant’ Andrea, 1462, Mantua, Italy 4. Emperor Hadrian, Pantheon, 126, Rome, Italy 5. Herringbone Brick 6. Domitian, Arch of Titus,82, Rome, Italy 7. Apollodorus, Arch of Trajan, Ancona, Italy

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

science in the movies essays

science in the movies essays What would you think if a movie showed a human being being totally perfect and not making any mistakes throughout his/her lifetime? You probably wouldnt be satisfied with that image because you know that every body makes mistakes and no one is perfect. I have watched two movies, Armageddon and Deep Impact, and done some research on the way the producers made the disasters out to be and how they would actually happen in reality. Hollywood doesnt always explore all of the physics and reality behind some of the happenings in their movies before putting them on the big screen. This can lead to customer dissatisfaction and essay papers like this one. The affect of the asteroid in Armageddon was not necessarily true. The producers made it seem like after the asteroid hit, a lot of little ones followed after it. If an asteroid were to really hit the earth, the little ones would come before the big asteroid hit. Since little things can travel at a greater speed, they would hit the earth first with the big asteroid preceding after that. From watching this move and not knowing much about how asteroids work, this scene would be very believable. On the other hand, the affect of the asteroid shown in Deep Impact was not very believable. In the final scene of Deep Impact, they show a bedraggled but salvageable capitol building. In DC the capitol is very close to the ocean. With the rate of the tsunami, DC would have been scoured clean off the face of the earth. I think this was a feel-good ending added onto the end of the movie to give it a good outcome. In the scene where the comet makes its ocean impact, it shows that thousands of people watch and listen as it happens. Truly, the comet would have been much brighter than it was shown; the people watching would have been blinded. The comet was also moving much faster than the speed of sound as well. Th ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The 9 Things Recruiters Want to See in Your Resume

The 9 Things Recruiters Want to See in Your Resume Think of recruiters as your professional matchmakers:The Edge Company (global corporation specializing in widget production, development, and sales),  2014 – 20177. Talk about your colleagues.This is your resume, so you don’t need to go into specifics about your buddy Jill in Accounting. But recruiters are tasked with finding a new team member for a company, and they need to know that they’re not going to send the company someone who may be a whiz with data, but can’t work with (or get along with others). Make sure your resume includes notes like, liaised with the marketing manager to develop annual marketing plans and budgets, or collaborated with the Sales Operations team to present annual strategy, goals, and progress. Show that you play well with others, without letting it dominate your resume.8. Brag about yourself.Definitely play up your achievements. If you’ve received honors or recognition at work, make sure your resume includes a section for those. A resume that is basically, â€Å"I’m the best, deal with it† on line after line will make a recruiter’s eyes glaze over, but you want to make sure you’re getting credit for the awesome things you’ve done- and for which you’ve gotten recognition.9. Explain gaps.Recruiters know what it looks like when you’re hiding information. If you do have gaps, try to give context in the cover letter. I was out of the workforce for a temporary personal matter, but am excited about bringing my expertise to this new role. Be honest- the recruiter can help you smooth gaps, but he or she can’t do anything if you offer no context.Recruiter Pet PeevesAnd now that you know what recruiters want to see, don’t forget to make sure you’re avoiding the things that could get you an eyeroll/automatic pass from the next recruiter who reads your stuff.Not Including Contact InformationThis seems like a no-brainer, but just make sure y ou’re proofreading to ensure that you’re including at least a phone number or an email (with a professional-sounding handle, please!) on the resume and cover letter you’ve worked so hard to produce.Going Overboard on BuzzwordsRecruiters know all the usual suspects- remember, they’re reading hundreds of resumes and cover letters. Avoid jargon in your resume, and opt instead for strong action words that show your strengths and achievements.Lousy FormattingMake sure your formatting is consistent throughout your resume, and that the document looks like a sleek, finished product. If it looks like several different docs copied and pasted into one, you might not get the attention you want.Resumes that Don’t Include ExperienceYour skills are a major, major part of your applicant package, and it’s great that you want to emphasize them. But don’t do that at the expense of your experience, even if you don’t have much of that yet. The recr uiter needs to have a full picture of you as an employee, and skills without job history won’t do that.Unprofessional Email Addresses (See #1)If GoGoGirl88 has been your go-to email address since you got one, it’s time to upgrade to The recruiter is looking for someone who can bring maturity and intelligence to the role they’re trying to fill, and if they can’t even get past your ridiculous email handle, it’s not likely they’ll see you as the seasoned candidate you want to be.Remember, the recruiter is one of your best allies in your job hunt. If you put the time and effort into your resume and cover letter to get them on your side, you’ve already helped get your foot in that door. Good luck, and don’t forget to hug your local recruiter! (But only in the most respectful, professional of ways.)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

North Korea Nuclear Threat Briefing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

North Korea Nuclear Threat Briefing - Essay Example Bomb experts say that nuclear explosives have the ability to cause devastating effects to the human body. These nuclear explosives also have adverse effects on the environment. Many might wonder why North Korea is involved in the nuclear programs. Well, the answer is straightforward. North Korea is rich in uranium. Reports analysis show that North Korea maintains up to four million tons of exploitable uranium ore of exceptionally high quality. This availability of the uranium ore in plenty gives North Korea the witch hand to make nuclear explosives. This can be argued to be a natural urge. It is hard to deny that if any other country were sitting where North Korea is, it would not be involves in nuclear power in one way or another. In around the 1960s, North Korea is reported to have established a large-scale atomic energy research complex. This research complex was located in Yongbyon and its main function was to train nuclear specialists from the students who had taken their studie s from the Soviet Union. In October 2006, North Korea conducted an underground nuclear explosive test that is estimated to have yielded less than a kiloton. This is despite the fact that North Korea had signed an agreement with the United States of America in October 1994 that they would freeze all its existing nuclear programs. In the agreement, North Korea also agreed to adhere to the enhanced International Atomic energy Agency (IAEFA) safeguards. Other details that were agreed on by both countries were; both countries would work to move towards the total normalization of economic and political relations, both North Korea and U.S.A would work   together to promote peace and security towards a nuclear-free Korean peninsula among other agreements. (Von Hippel 126). The political class in North Korea too has been a significant influence in the country’s motivation towards making nuclear explosives. It is reported that Pyongyang faces and confronts quite a number of both inte rnal and external security problems. This perceived threats push the urge for North Korea to seek its own reliable measures of defense. It is understandable that it resorts to nuclear power, and with readily available uranium, as a proactive measure to counter this security threats. The fact that North Korea is surrounded by weighty superpowers does not make the situation any better. The Korean peninsula has also been subject of numerous invasions over the past years. These experiences profoundly influence the perception of the political and ruling elite to develop advanced and quite dependable weaponry systems, and nuclear explosives for this matter. By doing this, North Korea is not only sure of its own internal security, but also capable of countering any external attack it may face (Bermudez 75). The political history between North Korea and the United States of America is another factor that motivates North Korea to resort to nuclear explosives. The American military forces   have been stationed in South Korea since the 1950s,   to eliminate chances of a North Korean invasion across the 38th parallel. All the North Koreans have been drilled that the Americans invaded their country on that date. The political leader of North Korea then, Marshall Kim II, repulsed the invasion during the victorious Fatherland Liberation War’. Ever since then, the North Korean media has persistently provided extensive reports of the U.S

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Technology in an ERP Implementation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Technology in an ERP Implementation - Essay Example The company also shows interest in its overall progress as the management wants to implement ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system for increasing the efficacy of its processing. Previously, the company made use of MRPII (Materials Resource Planning) system, however, in 2000, the management acquired ERP system (Edwards and Humphries 2005, 144). The new system proved to be a failure because of a number of problems identified by the investigative team. Organizational and technical changes are required to be implemented so that the newly developed system is according to the needs of the users. Training must also be given. This paper evaluates the case study in terms of change management and implementation of ERP successfully. PowerIT’s Acquisition Strategy of ERP The company consisted of an IT department but that department lacked the expertise required for the development of a software of that scale for which, the company required a software (Edwards and Humphries 2005, 147). ... This solution opts because software development expertise is high, application domain expertise is high, however, local company knowledge is low (Edwards and Humphries 2005, 147). The third-party vendor is the most suitable choice for the company as the company does not have to rely on its own IT staff that is good at local company knowledge but lack the other two expertise. Company’s local knowledge can be attained but the expertise of software development and application domain must be there in order to get the software developed according to the requirements of the company. The case writers assert that the "areas of relative strength" of this option rank as "High", "High", and "Low" because the third party vendor is expert for the first two fields, so high is ranked and lack local knowledge to a certain extent, so low is ranked. Major Problems before and after Implementation PowerIT faced many problems before and after the implementation of ERP system. During the selection and implementation phases of the project of ERP, the management of PowerIT showed concern towards inefficient working of the old system that was MRPII. The management also identified a problem with the MRPII system, which was that it was an antique system and because of its usage, they were left behind as compared to their competitors (Edwards and Humphries 2005, 148). Therefore, they showed unwillingness for the old system’s further improvement. When the management accepted the system, they evaluated the system’s inadequacies to fulfill all the requirements of the business. In addition, the newly developed system and its requirements asked for an additional budget that was not previously set by the company (Edwards and Humphries 2005, 149).  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Language Killer Essay Example for Free

A Language Killer Essay It is undeniable that English language is a powerful language. It is spoken in most part of the world especially in developed countries for instance the United States, Great Britain, and Canada. This is an inescapable process of globalization, the process of extending social relations across world-space. Globalization leads to the commonness of English in several fields such as science, technology, economy, politic etc. The result of this is English dominating the world and disregarding minority languages. That is why English language is often named as â€Å"a killer language† that wipes out smaller languages and their cultures by exclusive use. The phenomenon of the exclusive use of English is caused by the attitude of a person or a community toward English. This attitude cannot be directly observed, it can be seen from the expression of positive or negative feeling toward it. This attitude may enable a language to grow and prosper or to decay and die. In this case, while English as a global language is growing, other minority languages are dying. The prominent reason for English dominating the world is positive feeling of speakers toward it which reflects in degree of importance, elegance, and social status. For instance in the degree of importance, English holds an important role in education, technology, politic and economy. The speakers of it feel that it is important to be able to speak and understand English because a wide range of information is provided in English. Beside there is a common believe in countries where English is spoken as a second or foreign language that knowing English makes people clever, to speak English is all we needed, when someone speaks English we think he is educated, when someone speaks English it creates a good impression for him, speaking English helps to get a job, people who speak English have more friends, people would like to be considered as a speaker of English, if they have children they want them to speak English, and they feel sorry for people who cannot speak English. I myself also feel the same ways. Those kinds of feeling lead English become a dominating language on earth. The consequence of this attitude is English as international language will spread widely. English becomes such a need which is required to be fulfilled in today’s life. Everyone has to be able to understand English, both orally and written. While this is happening, on the other parts of the world there are some less powerful languages which are trying to survive or even dead. Regarding to this phenomenon, UNESCO classifies languages as follows: When the number of people speaking a language is actively growing, it is considered healthy. When children are no longer taught a language, it is considered endangered. When a language is spoken by only a handful of elderly people, it is considered moribund. When no one at all speaks a language as a first language, it is considered extinct. It is so sad to know that from thousands of languages on earth; almost half of people of the world speak one of six dominant languages, English, Mandarin Chinese, Hindustani, Spanish, Russian, and Arabic. The other small languages are left behind. It is very important to preserve languages in terms of protecting any cultures. If it not, the world will become monotonous. Even if English language is very influential, we should maintain our identity, our nationality, that we have our own language that we can be proud of. Language will just die if the people will obviously no longer use it, but preserving it is one way of showing to the whole world how united we are as a nation because language is a keystone of culture.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysis of To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Essay -- To His Coy

Andrew Marvell’s â€Å"To His Coy Mistress† is in my opinion an excellent poem about a subject matter we can all understand and most of us can relate to: a love just beyond reach. This is the primary reason I believe it is most suited to be in a college textbook. One of the hardest things to accomplish in a poem written for uninterested college students is making it understandable and enjoyable by the audience, but this poem does it very well. In doing so, however, it also includes several important elements of poetic language that will educate the reader while at the same time keeping him or her interested. The initial paragraph lures the reader into believing that this is a happy lover’s poem written to woo a woman with whom he is in love. The steady string of compliments mesh together very well and leave a warm and happy image of the pair’s relationship. The imagery is wonderful as well, as in this example: â€Å"My vegetable love should grow / Vaster than empires, and more slow† (Marvell 11-2). This sentence inspires a mental picture of a sweeping kingdom and all the vastness th...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Alcohol And Brine Shrimps

Abstract Alcohol catches the interest of many scientists because of its different effects on human, especially during pregnancy. These effects can also be seen in lower forms of organisms, such as that of the crustacean brine shrimp. By studying these, the scientists can get a better understanding on the mechanisms underlying the alcohol’s effects. When other conditions are held constant, a very high amount of alcohol should inhibit the growth or hatching of these brine shrimp eggs.By growing brine shrimp eggs exposed to different concentrations of alcohol and observing the larvae afterwards, the effects of alcohol on these organisms can be revealed in a quantified manner. To do so, volumes of 0. 0 mL. 0. 1 mL, 0. 25 mL and 0. 5 mL of a 100% alcohol were placed in different Petri dishes containing 10 mL of brine solution each. Brine shrimp eggs were then placed and left for a week before the eggs and larvae were obtained and counted. Results show that there are more eggs hatch ed on the system with no alcohol in it.Though the plate with higher alcohol content showed a relatively large number of hatched eggs, it has a higher amount of dead larvae compared to the dishes having lower alcohol content. This shows that alcohol works in two ways, preventing the hatching of brine shrimp eggs and causing deaths to the larvae. I. Introduction Brine shrimps (Artemia) are small crustaceans, and not closely related to the common shrimp. They are usually termed as â€Å"sea-monkeys† and sold in pet stores as fish food.They are very resistant in adverse conditions, and their eggs are able to stay dormant until the right environment induces their birth. Many of these are seen in large bodies of water, for they serve as food for the larger fish and other organisms present in the ecosystem. One interesting fact of these crustaceans is the ability of their eggs to undergo cryptobiosis, a characteristic where they exhibit a â€Å"hidden life† by maintaining a m etabolically inactive state. This happens during adverse conditions that inhibit the growth of the organism.In this case, brine shrimp eggs stay dormant as long as there are large fluctuations in the environment caused by factors such as temperature, oxygen content, and acidity. Because of this, brine shrimps are excellent to be test subjects for this experiment regarding the effects of alcohol on early development. Brine shrimp eggs can also hatch at a short span of time, and grow into larvae capable of swimming by themselves in just a matter of days. Furthermore, there are no known ethical issues regarding the use of these organisms. In fact, a number of studies using this genus have been performed throughout history.One of these is the research of Antonio Marquez’s group, where they tested the effects of bacteria on Artemia franciscana. They cultivated the organism in 10 different strains of bacteria together with some major feeds. The treatment resulted to the Artemis sur vivors having a longer length. The bacteria added played an important role in providing direct feed for the Artemia. They provided essential proteins, vitamins, amino acids, and inorganic nutrients (Marques, 2005). These results can be taken into consideration when designing this experiment.Since the experiment aims to determine the effects of alcohol only, the medium on which the brine shrimp are to be grown must be free of other substances, especially bacteria that might contribute additional nutrients for the organism to grow. The experiment by Marquez also shows the versatility of these brine shrimps in data gathering experiments done on the lab. They are easy to cultivate and grow. Another research, which can complement the purpose of this experiment, is the one tackling about the toxicity of the chemical diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP) when exposed to Aremtia salina The group of S.Sanchez-Fortun and M. V. Barahona found out that on high concentrations of DFP, a longer develo pment time is evident on Artemia larvae. A more concentrated solution even showed death on some of the larvae. Several treatments were tested, including addition of the compounds atropine, physostigmine pyridostignime. But only the compound 2-pyridine aldoxime methoiodide (2-PAM) proved to be effective in preventing intoxication due to DFP (Sanchez-Fortum, 2007). These results show the lethal effects of some chemicals to the larvae of some organisms.Aside from DFP, alcohol is another substance that is believed to have bad effects on organisms during their pre-birth stage. In higher animals, such as humans, alcohol is usually blamed for miscarriages, prematurity, and many other defects on birth. This alarming substance caught the attention of many, and efforts have been made to make the public aware of the dangers posed by alcohol. Such effects of alcohol are made notice by Brimacombre and his team. Sometime before the year 2007 ended, they conducted a study to asses the knowledge of health professionals regarding fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or FASD.They conducted several presentations, lectures and demos to health professionals across New Jersey over a four-month period. The groups were then asked to answer a series of 20 questions to determine the depth of their understanding regarding FASD. The results showed that though they are well versed with the basics of FASD, these health group professionals reveal weaknesses in some important areas. One of these is the lack of knowledge on some core diagnosis and treatment of FASD. It was then concluded that more efforts must be done to further increase the awareness of the public to the facts of alcoholism (Brimacombe, 2008).If alcohol has a severe effect on humans, then it is safe to assume that it would also have a devastating impact on lower creatures such as the brine shrimps. This experiment is designed to illustrate the possible threats of varying concentration of alcohol to Artemia. The alcohol’s effects will be determined by adding varying amounts of it to the culture of unhatched brine shrimp eggs. The eggs and possible young hatchlings from the different treatments will then be manually counted and compared with each other.Taking into consideration prior knowledge and previous studies made, high alcohol content would not be optimum for the brine shrimps to live. The treatment containing the most alcohol would then probably have less or no brine shrimp larvae present compared to those cultures with little or no alcohol in it. II. Methodology Prior to the experiment, the solutions and equipments to be used were prepared. Four Petri dishes, brine solution, 100% alcohol, some toothpicks and a brine shrimp egg solution were placed close by for easy access.The Petri dishes were then marked with numbers â€Å"1†, â€Å"2†, â€Å"3† and â€Å"4†. A volume of 10 mL of brine solution was then added to each Petri dish. In the Petri dish labeled â€Å"1â € , 0. 1 mL of alcohol was added and mixed. In the same manner, 0. 25 mL of alcohol was added to Petri dish â€Å"2† and 0. 5 mL of it to Petri dish â€Å"3†. No alcohol was added to Petri dish â€Å"4†, as this is be used as the control system. A clean toothpick was then taken, wetting it by dipping it in a brine solution first, and then in the container with brine shrimp eggs.The eggs were then transferred to Petri dish â€Å"1† by slowly stirring the toothpick in the brine solution contained in the Petri dish until all eggs are dislodged from the toothpick. A new toothpick is then used to transfer eggs in the same manner to Petri dishes â€Å"2†, â€Å"3† and â€Å"4†, using a fresh toothpick for each Petri dish. The eggs were allowed to sit for a week and then they were observed. The eggs and larvae were counted using a toothpick and viewed with a microscope. The data were then recorded and compared.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Street Racing and Li Ping Wong

I INTRODUCTONStreet racing has long been identified as a threat to civil society with significant social and economic impact. Street racing threatens the lives of other road users and causes unnecessary nuisance to the public. There are several ways to prevent teenagers from being involved in illegal racing are parents need to play their role, organizing campaigns and talks, and creating legal racing area.II BODYA. One ways to prevent teenagers from being involved in illegal racing are parents need to play their role. 1. Family socio economic status and family structure may influence an adolescent risk taking behaviours (Li Ping Wong, 2011) a. Parents must give attention to their teenagers.b. Parental support,monitoring and strict rules and attitudes according to Li Ping Wong.2. Parents should also spend more time with teenagers a. Give more attention.B. Another ways is organizing campaign and talks.1. Government should hold campaigns and talks about road safety at school and public area. a. Contain with information that tells about the effects of illegal racing. 2. Organizers of the campaigns bring along former street racer. a. Talks about the disadvantages and the effect of illegal racing. b. Make teenagers realize the dangers of illegal racing.C. One other ways is creating legal racing area1. Collaboration with other organization, a legal racing venue (Kenny J.Peak, 2004) a. Divert a safer racing environment b. Experience the positive expect of legal racing. 2. Participant rules should be in place a. Posses a valid driver licence and vehicle insurance b. Submit to safety inspectionsIII CONCLUSIONIllegal racing is associated with a variety of participants, parents and family characteristics. Government also should take action by preventing this problem become worst. Parents need to play their role, organizing campaigns and talks, and creating legal racing area for seems to be the ways to prevent teenagers from being involved in illegal racing.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Write Best Illustrative Essays For College Level

How to Write Best Illustrative Essays For College Level Illustrative Essays For College Level Any focused student would have to handle an illustration essay that appears like an art and a design. Does an illustration essay help in composing visual pictures in our books? Oh, no. However, the name sounds as if that is what the students should be doing. Some tutors refer these kinds of essays as example essays since they consider them giving an insight to readers through their detailed process on a given situation and provide more information on something. Some teachers would prefer calling them descriptive kind of essays. You might be in a dilemma on which side to follow. If this happens to you ensure your tutor clarifies to you about his/her expectations in the provided assignment. Because these types of essays dont require a thesis statement, some expert assumes they are the easiest to write. To confirm this, let students show their understanding of a given idea. However, once you go through our detailed guide on the descriptive essay, you will be in a position to get a passing mark or even higher grade. What is Meant by Illustration Essay? The descriptive essays refer to the kind of essays that will give readers knowledge on an existing situation. Sometimes it may apply to current work by scholars. Occasionally, these kinds of work seek to provide an explanation, illumination, and evidence aimed at clearing the path on a series of processes, concept, and phenomenon. For instance, the question on: What does a doctor do? Could be responded using a descriptive kind of writing. This essay would cover all the description job and details of the doctor. All of these are essential information. As seen above descriptive would be very simple. On the other hand, you might be faced with a situation where you are expected to discuss the issue of racial discrimination. In support of the viewpoint that in promotions, non-whites are rarely given promotions and their payment is way less compared to their counterparts? Write this essay using reputable sources. This is another example of an illustrative essay that seems simple, but it is complex in a way. First, you are not asked to write any thesis statement. Any acceptable essay needs to describe as well as discuss the times and life of doctors. But to have an influential essay, you need to explain in detail the duties and goals of doctors following a provided thesis statement in your introduction. In your academic life, you will notice that there are other common instances like your instructor provides you with a thesis statement and requires you to discuss or illustrate more about it. The first thing to do when given such an assignment is to single out what you are expected to do in the task. Whether you are to expand on the provided thesis statement or write your thesis, however, if you still find it difficult understanding illustrative essays, feel free to contact our experienced tutors and you will get more than help. Outline for Illustrative Essay Some students will treat an illustrative essay so simple that they will even omit writing an outline. While writing a piece, an overview is a must regardless of its complexity. In most college assignments, you will be expected to explain or describe a given phenomenon or situation. So you need to have well-organized points before you begin writing. So you should write a good outline. However, you will not have to construct such a complex framework that will be a challenge for you. Most of the frameworks you will come across are more than just glorified points noted down. Example of Outline Hook: Statistics, exciting story, fact, or anecdote in your chosen topic. Introduce your topic. Explain the significance of exploring your topic further would be essential. Thesis statement. The first paragraph in the body: give a full illustration of your topic. In your second body paragraph: Give another significant factor explanation on your topic. Third paragraph: provide your readers with nuances and detailed information on your topic to help in harmonizing all your ideas. Conclusion: While concluding your essay, remember to restate your thesis statement but this time using a new version of the language. Mention in a laze some of your basic points you have discussed throughout your essay avoiding repetition of vocabulary. For your conclusion to be meaningful, ensure you have connected it to the more significant issue in society. Example of Illustration Essay If you ask any average citizen in the United States especially from New York on their opinion of gun control, they will suggest having strict gun control laws. However, if you ask an average citizen from Texas a similar question, you will be given an exact opposite answer. Gun control and usage have been an issue of concern in the United States for a lengthy period. Supporters and opposers of gun control have sharp points on why they support their stand on the matter. People have different opinions on whether guns in the United States keep them safe or not. One fact for sure is that gun control was once part of American society. If we take the city of New York, for instance, shooting cases in high school was common before 1969 when students used to bring guns with them to school and would turn them over either to their teacher or coach. This was just to keep teachers off their way whenever they wanted to do something. In the early days, young children would pick up their guns after school to go for a gun shooting practice peacefully without causing any confusion. Today, if a high school student brings a gun to school, there will be confusion and panic. One would wonder how things have from a peaceful society where young children would peacefully practice with firearms without posing a danger to anyone to a terror society where shootings have turned out to be the order of the day. The shift in society would be traced back to the media. The rise of video, film, and television has impacted the mental programming of both children and adults to that of violent citizens. This paper will show you how media violence has evolved and intensified over time and changed the perspective of youths on guns. Copious research shows that the relationship between exposure of citizens to violent media and violent society is directly proportional. The study further indicates that the highest risk of violence is the existence of violent electronic games that are popular in the current century. Also, Real aggressive emotions and media-stimulated experiences that are associated with the intention of revenge are significant factors of violence in both schools and violent. From the study, it was clear that the more we expose our children to violent movies like horror in their childhood times and the more they play violent electronic games, they will be more violent and uncontrollable as early as 14 years old. This study provides detailed information that shows how exposure of children to violent media during their sensitive times, when their brain is still under development would determine how they will handle stress and threats in their adulthood. Children who are constantly exposed to violent media as an acceptable means of solving conflict will have the message remain in their brain forever. That is why we find many children who are exposed to the media frequently being delinquency. It is like the constant view of violent films implant in their brain a new form of instruction that guides them throughout their life. Teenagers between 1940 and 1950s who were mostly in gun clubs in New York were never exposed to these kinds of violent films. That is why most of them were kind, non-violent and had learned better ways of solving issues when confronted with stressful situations. With them, they could only watch movies like ‘I Love Lucy and Leave it to Beaver. The two famous films of their time had no violence in them and nurtured a peaceful nation that was void of shootings. Go through all our essay examples and in any case you are stuck, ensure you have contacted our support team for assistance. Professionals have suggested that there is such a great connection between hostile behavior and violence in the media shown by youths. As a result, one could comfortably say that watching violent films in the press is the beginning of violent behavior in individuals. According to scholarly studies, exposure to violent whether online or offline is substantially associated with increased chances of violent acts shown by the youths today. Some teens even confirmed that most sites they come across have a lot of content showing people engaged in real violence. This research further shows that any form of violent whether online or offline or sometimes through video games that most youths enjoy playing would show signs of impressionable individuals. This might be simple to most of you, but the underlying reason why violent never existed in the 1950s was that some things like Purge franchise never lived. Sources that existed did not show the horrific violent like they are suffocating the current century. In the contemporary world, people who seek justice commit horrible acts like murder to those surrounding them. Unlike adults who can process and distinguish these kinds of media, youths would not do the same and would only implement what they see. They rarely differentiate between fantasy and reality in violent films. The real consequences of violent never appear to them as a crucial role to play. They seem not to have learned a lesson regarding the results of violent to them and the whole society. In the early films that were shown in the me dia, there was nothing like legal shooting; hence it was rare to find classmates shooting each other. They had nothing to trigger their mind to do such unacceptable actions in a society like taking the lives of others. In our community, potent stimulators are almost everywhere and difficult to avoid because of the way they present themselves to us. As a result, we have many cases of shooting to account for that is mainly from our youths. Another interesting study looked at the consequences of the media to the subjects from a biophysical approach. Researchers identified a particular group of individuals who had either aggressive or non-aggressive behaviors. After finding them, they then showed them violent media for a consecutive period of two years. A notable reaction was seen from biological responses was pinpointed when they were deliberately told to consume violent media. The energetic group recorded less brain activity compared to non-aggressive groups. This was observed mainly in the orbitofrontal cortex. This is a region in the human body that is responsible for all past studies and their related emotional decisions making and self-control. On the other hand, the aggressive group appeared to be more determined and inspired than when they had not watched the media. They were even nervous and less upset. This is quite funny as the aggressive group saw the violent film as something soothing and acknowledging their actions. The kind of violence that was shown to them appeared like something they are used to and liked most in their life. The movie energized them to do their aggressive actions more in the future knowing that they are right when doing so. This was a shocking discovery that showed there was a real problem when we promote violent media to the citizens and presenting it as a legitimate kind of behavior. This is because there are some people out there in the world who naturally have aggressive impulses and it will be dangerous trying to stimulate them. This will be like keeping a breed of hardcore criminals with the intention of terrorizing citizens in the future. Similarly, the study conclusion is worrying as it showed that aggression is a type of personality that develops in the nervous system as the child grows. As the child grows his behavior pattern becomes more solidified even at the adult stage when they are thought of personality. This might be the basis of existing distinct characteristics between aggressive and non-aggressive individuals and the role media plays towards motivating them to do specific actions. The summary of this study shows that media can motivate energetic people to behave aggressively. This is extremely dangerous, and the media should be cautious about it. In summary, we would say that the anger for gun control is most of the time misplaced. Instead of getting hungry for a tool that the youths use during their stressful moment, the focus should be directed towards the source of their action. There is a need to understand what triggers them to act aggressively. Throughout the paper, we have tried to demonstrate that the media is capable of influencing the youth negatively. It has the ability to teach and program them through all ugliness they see in the media that is meant to show them how to deal with frustration, depression, or anxiety. Therefore, we need to come up with alternative sources of entertainment for our children. Violence has always remained a derivative and predictable aspect resulting from the media. Thus, the need to be more vigilant on the type of content our children watches. Giving our children all the freedom of even watching violent media is a way of preparing them for antisocial behaviors soon. It will take combin ed effort to impact a reasonable change in all programmed content availed for the public for viewing. An illustrative essay will help you to present a general aspect of a given topic or situation with the use of details, interpretation, and facts. That is why most tutors prefer giving this kind of written assignments. As you write, provide enough examples in your assignment. This essay enables readers to understand the reason behind the existence of an individual situation or things. Successful illustration essay should leave readers with a deeper understanding of the subject giving them a detailed sense of clarity. Our experienced tutors have done a myriad of these essays and are fully aware of what instructors look for when they give out these assignments. In case you need help writing your piece, we have more than enough qualified writers ready to help you complete your work and get that grade you deserve.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Free Essays on A Tragic Day

â€Å"A Tragic Day† It was a cold winter day in December, my cousin who lived in California was visiting us and was here to take of his own business which is in located in Downtown. My mom was cooking, my brother was sleeping, my dad was watching television and I was with my friend getting ready to go out. It seemed like any other normal day with no expectations of what was about to happen. My mom had called my cousin to ask him what he wanted for dinner, he joked around with my mom, like usual, and told her what he wanted to eat. About ten minutes later the phone rings and my brother picks, he quietly walked to the bathroom after hanging up, the phone rings again but this time my dad picks up, after a minute I hear my mom crying and screaming. Me and my friend got worried and stepped out of my room to find out what was wrong, I had not expected for what I was to hear, I kept on asking what was wrong but got no answers. After a minute, my dad tells me my cousin got shot; we did not know what really at that point. My family and I rush out of the house, thinking his at the hospital and that he will be okay, but minutes later my brothers friend calls to let us know that he has passed away. There were so many questions going trough our heads at that time and still are till now, we had no clue what had happened since, my mom had spoken to him ten minutes earlier and everything seemed alright. After reaching at the store where his body was still lying, we find out that he had shot himself while playing a game called Russian Rolaids. We don’t know why he played such a dangerous game, so many of his friends, including my dad had tried to stop him from playing, but unfornately he did not listen. We still don’t know what drove him to commit suicide, even tough he would talk about death and now we realize that we should have got him help. The hardest part was informing his parents and fiancà ©, who are living in Pakistan and were expec... Free Essays on A Tragic Day Free Essays on A Tragic Day â€Å"A Tragic Day† It was a cold winter day in December, my cousin who lived in California was visiting us and was here to take of his own business which is in located in Downtown. My mom was cooking, my brother was sleeping, my dad was watching television and I was with my friend getting ready to go out. It seemed like any other normal day with no expectations of what was about to happen. My mom had called my cousin to ask him what he wanted for dinner, he joked around with my mom, like usual, and told her what he wanted to eat. About ten minutes later the phone rings and my brother picks, he quietly walked to the bathroom after hanging up, the phone rings again but this time my dad picks up, after a minute I hear my mom crying and screaming. Me and my friend got worried and stepped out of my room to find out what was wrong, I had not expected for what I was to hear, I kept on asking what was wrong but got no answers. After a minute, my dad tells me my cousin got shot; we did not know what really at that point. My family and I rush out of the house, thinking his at the hospital and that he will be okay, but minutes later my brothers friend calls to let us know that he has passed away. There were so many questions going trough our heads at that time and still are till now, we had no clue what had happened since, my mom had spoken to him ten minutes earlier and everything seemed alright. After reaching at the store where his body was still lying, we find out that he had shot himself while playing a game called Russian Rolaids. We don’t know why he played such a dangerous game, so many of his friends, including my dad had tried to stop him from playing, but unfornately he did not listen. We still don’t know what drove him to commit suicide, even tough he would talk about death and now we realize that we should have got him help. The hardest part was informing his parents and fiancà ©, who are living in Pakistan and were expec...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Criminology in the Future Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminology in the Future - Term Paper Example The methods have included research on biological and chemical measures that can deter terrorism activities. The methods have advocated for international cooperation in identifying and combating terrorism. The government exercises authority over the citizens through enactment of laws and enforcement (Ball, 2004). The crime fighting methods have changed the social policy from national and international perspectives. The law enforcement agencies and intelligence departments in the U.S assert that international cooperation is the most effective technique of fighting transnational crimes (Ball, 2004). Just six weeks after the September terrorist attacks on Twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York, the Bush administration moved with speed to enact the Patriots Act. Basically, the Patriot Act is an acronym for (Uniting and strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism Act of 2001). The Purpose of the Act was to detect and punish terrorists in America and around the world, enhance the crime investigative mechanisms and enforce the Act in preventing future crimes (Ball, 2004). This crime fighting technique altered the social policy form national and international perspective since it allowed for detecting and prosecution of international money laundering activities that aim at financing terrorism activities (Vacca, 2009). The Act also allowed the U.S to scrutinize foreign countries and financial institutions and international monetary transactions that are susceptible to financing criminal activities. The Act also compelled all financial institutions within the country to report any instances of potential money laundering (Ball, 2004). The Act also prevented use of the U.S financial institutions by corrupt foreigners in facilitating repatriation of illegally acquired assets to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discussion Essay (See Below) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Essay (See Below) - Assignment Example A teacher can also be a parent, spouse and member of the local church committee. A person’s social identity is complex and multifaceted with each person belonging to any number of broad groups with which they share general characteristics (race, gender, profession etc.) and a few small groups with which they share specific characteristics (local club members, PTA’s etc.) Accordingly a person identifying himself/herself with a particular group automatically assumes the prestige of that group. For example a black female will automatically assume that she is socially disadvantaged, or a white male may assume superiority above females etc. In order to belong to a group individuals assign certain values and traits to different groups. They then identify themselves with the group that has traits similar to their own this is known as the in group. Similarly individuals differentiate themselves from other groups which have different values and traits, these are the out groups. When a person is aware of difference in out group he/she tends to ‘stick together’ or favor the in

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Surveillance Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Surveillance Technology - Essay Example ⠁  Before delving into the issue of surveillance technology, it is first necessary to properly define the term â€Å"surveillance.† My understanding of the word is the monitoring of an individual or group of people for the purpose of preventing or correcting a crime. It is an important element of law enforcement to be able to keep abreast of real-time developments and movements in the public sphere. Prior to the usage of cameras and video surveillance, manual observers would need to be placed in the relevant areas. While it is important to maintain a human presence to deter crime, it is also unfeasible to be able to see everything all the time in that area. Hence it is a complementary and necessary policy to use surveillance technology. It is also important to be able to monitor more discreet elements such as odors, trace explosive materials or radiation in public areas. Surveillance technology plays a major role in this regard. Perhaps the advancement of surveillance technology from the twentieth century onwards is best shown though the rapid development of video surveillance. Cameras are used to survey traffic and to prevent and detect crime. In Britain, over 4 million closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras are in use while the United States Border Patrol spent US$64 million on remote video systems (Aresty, 2006)⠁  . Wilkerson explains that true video surveillance began in the 1960s with the introduction and application of closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras (Wilkerson, 2008)⠁   by law enforcement agencies. From there, analog technology continued to develop influence surveillance techniques. Video cassette recorders allowed preservation of evidence and from the 1970s onwards businesses prone to theft mounted CCTV cameras on their premises both as a deterrent and as a tool to apprehend thieves. In family court cases, video evidence of adultery and poor parenting decided the outcomes of cases. Analog technology reached its

Monday, October 28, 2019

How did Wolsey rise in status from Essay Example for Free

How did Wolsey rise in status from Essay 1500-1516 During 1500 and 1516 Wolsey rose from simple butchers son to Cardinal of the church. He was the boss of Englands administration, meaning he had to keep control foreign policies and Englands domestic matters. He was a man of great stamina and a man of great intelligence and organisational skills. He was an intellectual child and went to Oxford University. After coming out of university, Wolsey works for Nanfan in Calais he is asked to work for Henry VII but refuses. When Nanfan dies Wolsey goes to London to work for Henry VII, Wolsey is liked due to being hard working and amazing at organising. When Henry VII dies Henry VIII succeeds the throne, the new king wants to go to war with France. Although his fathers advisers; Fox, Warham and Surrey disagree he goes ahead with the plan. Henry VII needs money, Wolsey comes up with the idea of bringing back subsidies, this raises the huge amount of à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½100,000. By doing this Wolsey gets close to the king and Henry realises how hardworking Wolsey is, and therefore gives Wolsey control of logistics. Henry wins the war and sees just how useful Wolsey is, during the war Henrys adviser Surrey had stepped aside (he didnt go to France) letting Wolsey take glory from the war. While England is in France Scotland attack, they loose their king and Surrey wins the battle, he is made Duke of Norfolk. After Fox retires, Warham is removed as an advisor, and Wolsey is appointed Cardinal. Wolseys rise is quick and almost impossible. The argument that Elton presents is that Wolsey makes his way to Cardinal by force, i.e.; pushing people out of the way to make way for himself. That Wolsey is just a bully who manipulates people to get what he wants. Whereas Gwyn says that Wolsey was just a very hard worker who was admired by people very much and deserved his promotions and positions he was given. We see Wolseys manipulating and evil side when he takes over the war and pushes Surrey out of the way. Here we see how Wolsey uses his intellect to manipulate Henry VIIs way of thinking, after this Henry thinks of Surrey as not as influential and useful as Wolsey. By taking over the logistics in the war Wolsey shows his passion for war and that he has a cruel side too. Luckily Surrey fends of Scotland, and impresses the king and rather than being forgotten like Wolsey wants he is made Duke of Norfolk. To put an end to the new-formed alliance between Spain, France and the Holy Roman Empire he was sent to a conference and decided that he would trade Mary Roses hand in marriage to Louie for peace and agreement. This shows he is willing to give the kings relatives away to get a result and ultimately stay in power, or even get promoted. When Wolsey gets back to England he starts talking about how Fox is not doing his job and how he wasnt even in France at the time of the negotiations. This is most likely due to the fact that Fox was also Bishop of Exeter and was concentrating on that rather than his negotiating duties. Wolsey uses this as an excuse to say that Fox is lazy and isnt doing his job properly. Fox finally leaves his post in government due to Wolsey, thus meaning Wolsey gains more authority and power. Wolsey then proceeds to get Warham removed, this is because the king does not like Warham and getting rid of him will mean the king likes Wolsey more. Warham is still Arch Bishop of Canterbury, and therefore still has some authority over Wolsey. To counteract this Wolsey gets the king to make him Cardinal. This makes Warham almost useless and his position irrelevant. Wolseys manipulating and bully-like ways got him into very high power, but to do so he got rid of his opposition with force. Gwyn takes a very different approach to Elton and says how Wolsey was an honest and very hardworking man, who had the interests of the country at heart. Wolsey starts his career by devising an ingenious scheme that would get the king what he wanted without having to raise taxes on the everyday man. After impressing the king Wolsey was rewarded by being given the job of logistics in the war. This was likely done to trial him as government representative. Wolsey works ridiculously hard during the war so that all the calculations and logistics are correct. As a result he wins the war against France. When Wolsey comes back to England he finds Fox to be old and encourages him to retire, so he can relax after such a long time serving the king. Fox agreed that he was old and should stop work. For such good work the king makes Wolsey, Cardinal. Warham is bitter about this, as he does not like the way in which Wolsey operates. Wolsey then proceeds to stop the illegal happenings of Warham and gets revenue from Warhams property. We can see that both views can make sense, but I feel that Wolsey made it to the top by a mix of the two. I think that he was genuinely hard working and clever, but also encouraged people to leave the government. This way of thinking is more believable than someone who was totally evil or perfect. It was likely that if you did something good for the king every so often he would promote you, and this is exactly what happened. Therefore if you bring Eltons and Gwyns ideas together then you are more likely to get a true representation of what Wolsey was really like and how he got his high status.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Indonesia Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After Indonesia declared independence in 1945 the country’s leader, Sukarno, faced the extremely difficult task of creating a unified state out of Indonesia’s numerous ethnic groups. Also ever since its independence Indonesia’s rulers had to suppress uprisings of muslim groups because it threatened the country’s secular ideology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The attempts by Indonesia’s leaders to maintain unity and the ways in which the military suppressed separatist movements fueled many of the economic, social, and political problems the nation is facing today. After the tsunami, many of the issues surrounding the nationalist issue resurfaced and might change the nature of the conflict between supporters of Indonesian unity and those seeking independence.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The rebels in Aceh claim that the region was illegally annexed by Indonesia at the time of independence, and a separatist movement has been active there since 1976. During the regime of Suharto the military was given absolute power, and the continuous military presence in the region was marked by brutality towards the Acehnese and mistreatment of suspected rebels. Therefore many Acehnese feel a deep sense of distrust towards Indonesia. Since 2003 Aceh has been under Indonesian military rule and the area was closed off to foreigners as an attempt to isolate the area and crush the separatist movement. Indonesia allowed virtually no foreign presence in Aceh. Many believe that the isolation of the area was an attempt by the government t...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 11

11. Being the Chronicles of Abby Normal, Pathetic Failure to All Creatures Great and Small I have failed as a minion, a girlfriend, and a human being in general, and that doesn't even count Biology 102, which I am still totally failing despite actually going to class twice. The Countess has been gone for like a week, and no one has seen her or the vampyre Flood. I've gone looking for them, mainly when I'm supposed to be at school. I don't even know where to look. I kind of walk around asking people if they've seen a totally hawt redhead and they either hurry away really fast or, in the case of one guy, who I suspect was a pimp, offered me a thousand dollars to bring her to him if I found her. Then he offered me a job, because he said, â€Å"Johns go for that skinny Lolita shit.† And I was all, â€Å"Oh, that's very flattering, sir. Thank you. Once I find my friend I will bring her back and we'll both be happy to service the disgusting choads of creepy strangers and hand you all of our money along with any self-worth we might have left.† And he was all, â€Å"You do that, little momma. You do that.† Which is just another reason that I need to find the Countess and beg her forgiveness, because my new phone has video and I can't wait to post a clip on my blog of Jody scattering bloody pimp parts all over the Tenderloin. (The Countess has lectured me about respecting myself and how a woman must never sacrifice her dignity to a man unless he gives her jewelry or is a smoking hottie and has a job, so I think there will at least be broken bones and a beating of many colors.) Evidently there's a shortage of hookers and homeless people in the City, it was on the Chronicle's Web site. They reported it like it was a good thing, VICE ARRESTS DOWN or something, and another article about homeless shelters having plenty of room for the first time, ever. OMFG! They're kitty treats, you douche nozzles! That's why I refused to be on the school paper. Journalists are oblivious to the obvious and they won't even let you say fuck. ‘Kayso, when I finally got back to the love lair, the windows were all boarded up with plywood and Foo and Jared had like alphabetized all of the rats and had them stacked up and labeled and whatnot. So, I, like, ran into Foo's arms and kissed him a good long time, then I looked around and I was all: â€Å"They're dead. Our loft is full of dead rats.† And Jared is all, â€Å"Not dead. Undead.† So to Foo I'm all, â€Å"‘Splain, s'il vous plaà ®t.† And Foo's like, â€Å"It's amazing, Abby. You just have to inject them with a little vampyre blood and it turns them, but not until you kill them. It took us a while to figure that out.† â€Å"So you killed all these rats?† â€Å"I did,† goes Jared. â€Å"It made me sad, but I'm okay with it now. Science.† â€Å"How?† And Foo says, â€Å"Potassium chloride.† At the exact same time Jared says, â€Å"With a hammer.† And Jared gets all big scared anime eyes and is like, â€Å"Yeah, potassium chloride. That's what I meant.† And I'm all, â€Å"You have been killing and vamping rats while the Countess and Tommy are lost and the whole city is papered with missing cat flyers, and like Chet and his minions are eating all the homeless and probably the hookers?† And they were like, â€Å"Well-yeah.† â€Å"And I had to work and go to class,† says Foo. â€Å"And polish my car.† And Jared's all, â€Å"And we've been making sunlight jackets for those two cops, which takes like a million little wires.† And he, like, points to our coffee table, which is the only surface that doesn't have cages full of dead rats, and there's not even jackets there, just, like, jacket-shaped nets of wire with little glass beads all over them. And I'm all, â€Å"Cops can't wear those. They look like robot lingerie.† And Jared is all, â€Å"Trs cool, non?† â€Å"No!† I go. â€Å"And do not further endorken the French language by wrapping your disgusting penis port around it. You'll ruin the whole language before I even learn enough to express my deep despair and dark desires en franà §ais, you rat smasher.† ‘Kay, I know that was a little harsh, but I was angry, and in my defense, I was grinding Foo's leg a little when I said â€Å"dark desires,† so I said it with love. Foo's all, â€Å"We didn't have time to actually get jackets. They need to be leather and they're expensive.† So it's clear that despite his mad ninja science skills, even my beloved Foo cannot be left without female supervision. But he has been going home lately, and his parents are a bad influence on him. So I'm like, â€Å"I got this. I'll go see Lily.† Lily is my backup BFF. She used to be my BFF, but at the same time I met Lord Flood and the Countess, Lily got a book in the mail at her work, which is Asher's Secondhand, and it convinced her that she is Death, so I'm all, â€Å"Whatever, ho.† And she was all, â€Å"Free to live my own nightmare, skank.† So we were cool. ‘Kayso, I took the 45 bus from the dead-ratted love lair to North Beach. Walking through Chinatown sort of creeps me out 'cause of all the Chinese grandmothers on the street, who I'm pretty sure are talking about me because they think I have ruined Foo with my Gothy-Anglo charms. Also, I get mad dim sum cravings for which I should someday seek treatment, or, like, snacks. ‘Kayso, at Asher's, Lily comes out from behind the counter and gives me a hug and a big kiss on my forehead (because she is taller than me in addition to having surplus boobage). And I'm like, â€Å"There's a big violet lip print on my forehead, huh?† And Lily goes, â€Å"Kiss of Death-get used to it, beyotch-matches your hair tips, trs cute.† So I'm all, â€Å"‘Kay.† It wasn't really the kiss of Death, but it did match my tips. Then I was all, â€Å"Lils, I need men's leather jackets in these sizes.† I gave her the note Foo wrote out with the sizes and cut and whatnot. And she was all, â€Å"WTF, Abs? Fifty long? You buying a jacket for an orca?† â€Å"Ginormous gay cop. You got it?† â€Å"Yeah. You wanna smoke a clove?† And I'm all, â€Å"Do you have enough violet lipstick?† Because smoking is, like, the worst for your lipstick and it did match my hair. And she's all, â€Å"Bitch, please.† Meaning, â€Å"Do I ever not have enough makeup?† Which is true, because Lily carries a PVC ROBOT PIRATES messenger bag you could hide a small kid in, only she carries beauty products. So I was all, â€Å"‘Kay.† So Lily and I went out the back door and stared at the Dumpster like it was the very abyss of our despair while we smoked. And I'm just getting ready to tell her about the love lair, and Foo, and vampyre kitties and all, because I've sort of been in boyfriend mode, so, like, out of contact, which Lily totally gets. And Lil's like, â€Å"So, the big gay cop have a Hispanic partner?† And I'm like, â€Å"Rivera and Cavuto. Crusty day dwellers, but Rivera kind of has a secret-agent vibe. You know them?† And Lily is all, â€Å"Yeah, they were here yesterday. Rivera wears expensive suits. Smells good, too. I'd do him.† And I'm like gagging. â€Å"Lils, he's like a thousand years old, and a cop. The Motherbot was getting squishy over him. OMG! You're disgusting!† â€Å"Shut up, I'm not saying I'd do him normal. I mean like zombie Apocalypse trapped in the mall right before we have to shoot each other to keep them from eating our brains and turning us to the undead-then I'd do him.† So I'm all, â€Å"Oh sure, then.† To make her feel better, because she doesn't have a BF and often oversluts to compensate, but I still thought it was disgusting. But to change the subject, I was all, â€Å"So what did they want?† â€Å"They were asking all kinds of irrelevant bullshit. Had I seen any strange cats, did I see the Emperor, or some redhead.† And I'm all, Fucksocks! Fucksocks! Fucksocks! inside. But on the outside I'm all chill and I'm like, â€Å"So, you like didn't know anything, right?† â€Å"No, Asher said a hot redhead came into the store the other night, and then I was on the cable car last night, going down to Max's Deli for a sammy, and I think I saw her going into the Fairmont Hotel. Like a crazy cape of long red curls I would slaughter puppies for.† â€Å"Red leather jacket?† â€Å"Sweet red leather jacket.† â€Å"You didn't tell them, did you?† And Lil's all, â€Å"Well, yeah.† And I was all, â€Å"You traitorous whore!† And I punched her in the shoulder. In my defense, you're supposed to tell your ex-BFF when you get fresh ink, so the screaming was completely over the top. I had no way of knowing that she had a new tattoo on that shoulder, so her punching me in the boob was totally uncalled for. So, I'm ouching trs loud and this Russian lady from upstairs peeks her head out the window and she's all, â€Å"Quiet please, is sounding like burning bear out there.† ‘Kayso, Lils and I start to laugh and say, â€Å"Like bear,† over and over again until the Russian lady slams the window shut, like bear. Then it comes back to me and I'm all, â€Å"Lils, I have to get those jackets and get to the Fairmont. I have to save the Countess.† And Lily is like, â€Å"‘Kay,† not even asking details, which is why I love her-she is so nihilist it's, like, not funny. ‘Kayso, I take the jackets and catch a cab to the Fairmont, which totally pisses off the cabbie because it's only like six blocks, but when I get to the hotel I'm all, â€Å"Fucksocks!† because I'm too late. JODY Falling asleep was one of the things Jody missed about being human. She missed the satisfied, tired feeling of falling into bed and drifting off in a dreamy twilight sea of dreams. In fact, since she'd turned, unless she'd just gone too long without feeding, she never even felt tired. On most mornings, unless she and Tommy had been making love, and they went out in each other's arms, she just found a relatively comfortable position and waited for the sun to rise and put her out. Maybe a flutter of an eyelid, lasting a second, then off like a light. The closest thing to a dream state she'd experienced as a vampire was when she'd gone to mist inside the bronze statue, and even then, the door into dreamland slammed shut at dawn. The constant alertness of being a vampire was, well, it was a bit irritating. Especially since she'd been searching the City for Tommy for a week, pushing her jumped-up senses to their limits, and had to return to the hotel every morning with nothing. Apparently, Tommy had limped down an alley and vanished. She'd checked everyplace in the City that she'd ever taken him, every place he'd ever been, as far as she knew, and still there was no evidence of his having been there. She'd hoped she would have some special vampire â€Å"sixth sense† to help her find him, like the old vampire who had turned her seemed to have had, but no. Now, she was returning to her room at the Fairmont for the seventh morning. And for the seventh morning she would put out the â€Å"Do Not Disturb† signs, lock the door, put on her sweats, drink a pouch of the blood she kept locked in a mini-cooler, brush her teeth, then crawl under the bed and go over a mental map of the City until dawn put her out. (Since she was technically dead at dawn, sleeping on top of a comfortable mattress was a dangerous luxury, and by climbing under the bed she put one more layer between her and sunlight, should a nosy maid somehow find a way into her room.) Part of her new pre-dawn ritual had been returning to the hotel a little later each morning; like the skydiver who will let himself fall closer and closer to earth before pulling the ripcord to boost the adrenaline rush just a little more. The last two mornings she'd just been entering the hotel when the alarm watch she wore, which was set to go off ten minutes before sunrise on any given day, based on an electronic almanac, had started beeping. She'd bought one for Tommy, too, and wondered if he was still wearing his. As she strode down California Street, she tried to remember if he'd been wearing it when they cut him out of the bronze shell. Two blocks from the Fairmont her alarm watch went off and she couldn't help but smile a little at the thrill. She picked up her pace, figuring that she'd still be safely inside her room with time to spare before sunup, but she might have to forgo the sweats and the blood snack. As she came up the steps into the lobby she smelled cigar, and Aramis cologne, and the combination sent an electric chill of alarm up her spine before she could identify the danger. Cops. Rivera and Cavuto. Rivera smelled of Aramis, Cavuto of cigars. She stopped, her boot heels skidding a little on the marble steps. There they were, both at the front desk, but a bellman was leading them to the elevator. He was taking them to her room. How? she thought. Doesn't matter. It was getting light. She checked her watch: three minutes to find shelter. She backed away from the door, out onto the sidewalk, then began to run. Normally she would have paced herself so someone didn't notice the redhead in boots and jeans running faster than an Olympic sprinter, but they'd just have to tell their friends and not be believed. She needed cover, now. She was a block and a half down Mason Street when she came to an alley. She'd survived her first night as a vampire under a Dumpster. Maybe she could survive the day inside one. But there was someone down there, the kitchen crew of a restaurant, outside smoking. On she ran. No alleys in the next two blocks, then a narrow space between buildings. Maybe she could shimmy down there and crawl in a basement window. She crawled on a narrow, plywood gate and had one foot down before a pit bull came storming down the corridor. She leapt out onto the sidewalk and started running again. What kind of psychopath uses a two-foot-wide space between buildings as a dog run? There should be laws. This was Nob Hill, all open, with wide boulevard streets, a once-grand neighborhood now made incredibly irritating to a vampire in need of shelter. She rounded the corner at Jackson Street, snapping a heel off her right boot as she did. She should have worn sneakers, she knew, but wearing the high, expensive leather boots made her feel a little like a superhero. It turned out that turning your ankle hurts like hell, even if you're a superhero. She was up on her toes now, running, limping toward Jackson Square, the oldest neighborhood in San Francisco that had survived the great quake and fire of 1906. There were all kinds of little cubbyholes and basement shops in the old brick buildings down there. One building even had the ribs of a sailing ship in its basement, a remnant built over when the Gold Rush left so many ships abandoned at the waterfront that the City literally expanded over them. One minute. The shadow of the Transamerica Pyramid was lying long across the neighborhood ahead like the needle of a deadly sundial. Jody did a final kick-sprint, snapping off her other boot heel as she did. She scanned the streets ahead for windows, doors, trying to sense movement inside, looking for stillness, privacy. There! On the left, a door below street level, the stair-case hidden by a wrought-iron railing covered in jasmine. Ten more steps and I'm there, she thought. She saw herself jumping the rail, shouldering through the door, and diving under the first thing that would shelter her from the light. She took the final three steps and leapt just as the sun broke the horizon. She went limp in the air, fell to the sidewalk, short of the stairwell, and skidded on her shoulder and face. As her eyes fluttered, the last thing she saw were a pair of orange socks right in front of her, then she went out and began to smolder in the sunlight.